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SUNY GCC - lol电竞菠菜


学生团体被定义为学生政府协会(SGA)认可的学生团体在杰纳西社区学院,合作庆祝共同的利益,并坚持所有的要求,但SGA概述.  所有学生团体都应该通过认识和重视我们共同的人性以及我们多样性的丰富性,致力于维护海湾合作委员会的使命.

Interest Group -一组学生与SEI办公室合作,以满足寻求学生会协会认可的所有要求.


学生组织 - GCC办公室或分部的学生运营实体,执行上述区域的功能,并且仅在办公室或分部存在时才存在(i).e. 校园活动板、论坛玩家).  学生组织s are funded and operated based on the requirements of such a group.

Honor Society -由地方或国家附属机构组成的一组学生,要求最低GPA才能成为会员和/或注册特定课程(例如.e. Phi Theta Kappa, Alpha Delta Nu护理荣誉协会.



  1. Fill out the 新学生团体兴趣表. As part of the form, you will be asked to submit a Club Charter.  可以找到一个样本 here.
  2. 一旦你提交了表单, SEI主任将审核您的申请并提交给SGA(仅当文件准备好由SGA审核时).
  3. The 学生会协会 will meet to vote on recognition of your new group



All the Nerds

Advisor: Loy Gross and Jess Maxfield

这个俱乐部是超级书呆子聚会的地方, 你有自己的小空间吗, 玩精彩的游戏, and dress up. 这也是为了拓展每个球员的想象力,为人们提供一个包容和欢迎的空间,让他们拥抱自己内心的书呆子. Members will be introduced to roleplay, tabletop board games, LARP, and cosplay. This club will foster an appreciation for the whole nerd experience.


Arena Club

Advisor: Krystal Forsyth

Established to promote the professional position and interests of Phys. Ed. Students, 体育管理专业、健身与娱乐管理专业; 并探索与体育教育领域的继续教育和职业机会相关的选择.  

Behind the Runway

Advisor: Laura Taylor

Behind The Runway members have a passion for fashion and encourage expression through fashion. Our active, driven, diverse club holds workshops, hosts speakers and plans events. The club promotes GCC through our student designed GCC plaid merchandise. 我们是一个紧密结合的俱乐部,通过旅行来增进我们对全球时尚的理解并探索机会. GCC’s annual fashion show is supported by Behind the Runway; our efforts help create a successful and entertaining evening.


Advisors: Amy Conley and Lina LaMattina

The 创业创意人俱乐部 seeks to inform and inspire entrepreneurship within all GCC students. Students experience how to lead and ensure business success through event planning, field trips, 以及其他社交机会.


Advisors: Kelly Starchok and Madeline Reichler

CAB provides the majority of the social and cultural programs at GCC. 他们赞助了许多活动, entertainers, lecturers, and performing artists as well as spectacular events and student travel programs.

Campus One80

Advisors: Bret Rehwaldt

校园One80是一个基督教学生团体,它的存在是为了将学生彼此联系起来,并与上帝联系起来. We are committed to creating a community where all students feel welcome and supported. 我们相信,通过我们彼此之间的关系, we will make a positive impact on Genesee Community College and on the world. 这个事工的目的是为学生创造一个归属感的地方,以及一个他们可以在与神的关系中学习和成长的地方.


Advisors: James Bucki

从电子游戏到职业见习, lol电竞菠菜的电脑维修俱乐部为学生提供了一个亲身实践的机会,与同学分享他们对技术的兴趣, 教职员工和社区成员.  为教职员工和学生开设的电脑维修诊所.  欢迎所有水平和兴趣的人.


Advisor: Shawn Adamson

强调存在于GCC中的创造力. Students work to explore their imaginations and utilize writing as a form of expression.


Advisor: Karen Wicka

刑事司法俱乐部对所有对刑事司法感兴趣的学生开放,或者只是对结交新朋友感兴趣.  俱乐部成员将在整个学期参与活动,以鼓励学生相互支持和社交, share their interests in Criminal Justice and collaborate on planning and organizing events.


Education Club

Advisors: Christine Belongia

这个俱乐部鼓励并提供同伴互动, career preparation, 以及未来教育工作者的领导机会.


Advisors: Shawn Adamson and Dave Johnson 

The GCC eSports Club is open to all GCC students with an interest in video games. 无论他们是想玩竞技游戏还是休闲游戏, 俱乐部的学生加入了一个支持玩家的社区,他们对电子游戏有着共同的热情.

Students are connected to each other through a shared Discord server, 这能让他们分享自己的经历吗, 组织比赛和其他活动, 或者在网上找队友一起玩或对战. Members of the club also enjoy access to school-provided resources, 允许他们整天在校园里玩耍.

电子游戏是否是你的爱好, your passion, 甚至是未来的职业生涯, GCC电子竞技俱乐部是为你准备的.

Film Club

Advisor: Barry Chow

Film Club welcomes all students to participate; for communications students, they will have the opportunity to practice what they learn from production classes, for others, 他们可以作为制片人参与数字电影制作, writers, actors and more.


Advisor: Brodie McPherson

海湾合作委员会的戏剧组织. Students have an opportunity to experience acting and producing in a dramatic setting. 论坛玩家每年都会制作几个节目. Students can also compete at the American College Theatre Festival, and go on professional auditions.

GCC Dance & Cheer Team

Advisor: Tara Freitag

Promotes and upholds school spirit through performances at college and community events. 培养良好的体育精神, 提供了娱乐, 支持运动队, and develops a positive relationship within the college community.

History Club

Advisor: Michael Gosselin and Jess Maxfield

This club was established to serve as a forum for students who enjoy history to share their interests, 促进对历史的欣赏, 探索历史职业,参观历史遗迹.


Advisors: Jenny Weatherall

协助海湾合作委员会的国际学生过渡到一个新的环境,但任何人都可以加入! 该组织促进文化意识, while serving as a support network for the educational and social development of foreign students.


Advisor: Kelly Starchok

NSLS是一个提供改变生活的领导力课程的组织,帮助学生实现个人成长, career success, and empowers them to have a positive impact in their communities.  才有资格加入我们的分会, students must have 6 hours of Genesee Community College credit, an overall 2.5 GPA and complete the Foundations of Leadership to be inducted.


Advisors: Crista Boldt

The purpose of the organization is to promote interest in Native American and contemporary issues relating to the indigenous people of the western hemisphere while enhancing a sense of belonging and community for Native American students at Genesee Community College.


Advisor: Nichola Lerczak

新异教和巫术俱乐部为对另类灵性感兴趣的学生提供了一个分享信息和想法的地方. We provide support in the form of educational workshops, seasonal celebrations and discussions. 新异教和巫术俱乐部的存在也是为了向更多的学生传播对非主流宗教道路的认识, 比如异教/巫术/佛教等等.

Nurse’s Club

Advisor: Lauren Bartus

护士俱乐部致力于鼓励对护理领域感兴趣的学生之间的合作.  该俱乐部还通过社区环境中的健康促进活动促进网络和示范领导, 无论是在校园里还是在更广泛的层面上.  它使学生能够在他们通过课程和过渡到专业注册护士的过程中相互支持. 

Phi Theta Kappa荣誉协会

Advisors: Barry ChowKelly Starchok, and Jamie Schultz

Phi Theta Kappa is the international honor society for students in 2 year colleges world-wide. 社会促进和提供学术卓越, 领导机会, 社员之间的服务计划及团契. 才有资格加入我们的分会, Alpha Iota Upsilon, students must have 12 hours of Genesee Community College credit, an overall 3.平均绩点6分,3分.3 GPA以维持会员资格.


Advisor: Christopher Caputi

Promotes awareness of Physical Therapy throughout the campus community. The club provides programs and events to enhance the knowledge and self-confidence among constituents.


Advisors: Maureen Welch

为支持当前呼吸护理学生或对该领域感兴趣的活动而建立. The club works to raise the awareness of respiratory health throughout the community.


Advisors: Madeline Reichler

The mission of the SAGA is to support the building of community here at GCC by supplying academic, social, 以及宣传机会. 我们的目标是创建一个社区,庆祝LGBTQ+学生的成就,并与其他俱乐部合作, faculty and administration to enrich the academic experience of all students.

俱乐部对所有学生开放,不考虑性取向或性别认同,我们欢迎每个人把自己独特的自我带到我们的社区. 请考虑参加我们的双周会议,或留意我们赞助的活动.

Ski Club

Advisors: Barry Chow



Advisors: Kelly Starchok

SGA serves as representation for all GCC students and their collective interests. SGA promotes the cultural, educational and social needs of the campus community. This governing body takes responsibility in the decision-making process of the College.


Advisors: Barry Chow

This organization is designed to provide friendship and camaraderie among its members. 该俱乐部还提供了一个与其他同一代退伍军人交谈的地方,帮助缓解军队生活带来的压力.

The New Courier

Advisor: Cindy Hagelberger

All students are welcome (ACE, Campus Center and online students too!),加入《lol菠菜竞猜》学生报的职员行列. Keep up to date on the news here at Genesee Community College throughout the year. 在线论文的链接是 .  在春季学期结束时出版印刷版.

TV Club

Advisor: Barry Chow

TV Club produces various productions in and out of our High Definition (HD) Digital TV studio, we need talents, producers, hosts, guests, and your ideas. Join us and you might become the next internet sensation; or if you prefer, working behind the scene with our Communications student crew.


Advisors: Stephanie Ortel

Established to advance and improve the expertise of the veterinary technician. 进一步建立及维持兽医专业的形象,并透过立法机构促进兽医技术员的利益.

WGCC Radio

Advisor: Steve Petty

WGCC的广播电台,由GCC的学生独家运营. Students get hands-on experience in broadcasting, as the management, DJs, and promotions staff.

WGCC carries a wide variety of music programming, talk shows, and GCC sports. 它还在校园举办许多活动和事件.